Wednesday, January 28, 2009

So far...

Well, hello.
This is the second week of school, and I am already struggling.
Over the break, I feel like I became more independent. Not in a financial way, or 'on my own' way, but growing into the realizing that I don't need to depend on others as much as I have in the past to be who I am.

In Romans 14:6- It says:
6 "He who observes the day observes it for the Lord, and he who eats, does so for the Lord...
7" For not one of us lives for himself, and not one dies for himself;
8"For if we live, we live for the Lord, or if we die, we die for the Lord; therefore, whether we live or die, we ARE the Lord's.

Our culture and society give off so much pressure to please others. To become someone who lives in fear of not being "normal." What is normal? And who defines it? Is normal not relative? Regardless of these meaningless terms that are thrown at us, these judgments have empty consequences. WHAT IF I don't look like the culture around me? What if I don't blend in, or try and meet their standards? Is that not what I am called to do?
Yes. I am called to a higher standard than any man could create or try and carry out. God's. What he says, I will try and do. What guidelines HE gives, I will try and obey. As the scripture said, "whether we live or die, we are the Lord's." Is HIS favor not more desirable than a worldly favor, who's reward is emptiness and guilt?

These are the things I am learning. As well as learning to stand on my own when it comes to defining myself. By no means am I downplaying the importance of friends. However, what should define me shouldn't rely upon another person. I hope what defines me is my relationship with Christ. (and my family of course. lol)

In random news, in the month of January, I read all four Twilight books. (i am not ashamed)
They were SO good, and I am not a fast reader, so I was impressed with myself.

Prayer requests:
That the Drama Team goes well this semester.
AND that I can find a job. I know so many people with this same need, and I as well need a job.

Hope all is well for you all in 2009 so far.
Look to God.


Jacob Lawrence

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